The Healing Journey
Distance Healing
30 mins | £20
BENEFITS: Promotes deep sleep, reduces anxiety, boosts awareness, lifts the spirit, increases flow of mind body and spirit, increases well-being, aids in deep healing.
*Connect via phone/video chat.
The Golden Journey
Reiki Healing
45 mins | £40
BENEFITS: Total relaxation, calming, deepens self awareness, relieves muscle tension, restorative, reduces mental fog, lifts the spirit, increases energy flow of mind body and spirit, promotes well being, reduces anxiety, restores vitality, reduces anxiety and depression, helps heal from trauma.
Crystal Healing
45 mins | £40
BENEFITS: Removes old energy, relieves tension, restores balance and sense of well being, increase energy flow of mind body and spirit, reduces anxiety, promotes mental clarity, centers the soul, alleviates mental and emotional stress, reduces anxiety and depression, helps heal from trauma.
The Focus
Work Through Dis-Ease
45 mins | £40
BENEFITS: Sessions will be geared and focused to remove and alleviate symptoms and cause of dis-ease specific to persons needs.
Feminine Creation
Expecting Mothers 14+ weeks
40 mins | £30
Promotes restful sleep, connects mother and baby, rejuvenating. Also calming, making you feel at ease before birth.
*Does not cause harm to baby.
Pet Reiki
All pets
(ones that can be handled or okay to go near)
BENEFITS: Sessions will be geared towards whatever your fury friend is struggling with I.e mood, disease, behaviour.
The Expansion
Life Coaching
BENEFITS: Empowerment, health & spirituality.
*Please email for inquiry
Also if you are stuggling with mental health and need someone to talk to, please email an enquiry about our guidance sessions in some circumstances these may be totally free to you.
Self Care
Hoppi ear candles
BENEFITS: Removing wax, bacteria, and other debris from the ear canal. treating sinus infections. improving hearing or reversing hearing loss. relieving sore throats. treating colds and flus. relieving headaches and migraines. improving mental clarity. purifying the blood.
Indian Head Massage
30 mins | £30
Aids in the relief of migraines. Often tension in the mid back, neck and head can lead to headaches and migraines, promotes hair growth, stimulates lymphatic drainage, relieves insomnia and fatigue, relieves symptoms of anxiety and depression, renews energy levels, boost memory capabilities.
Mental Health
Reiki session for depression
45 mins | £45
Reiki session for anxiety
45 mins | £45
Reiki session for grief
45 mins | £45